Picture and information.. The snake has a sense of smell in its tongue and swallows prey of any size
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
The snake, snake, or viper is considered a cold-blooded reptile, and it has a long body covered with scales, and it has no limbs, no external ears, and it also has no eyelids. The length of the snake ranges from 10 cm to several meters, such as the anaconda snake, which may reach a length of about 6.95 meters.
Snakes are mostly non-venomous, and other poisonous species use that poison to eliminate prey, or to defend themselves, and the snake’s venom is capable of killing a person, even if it is in a small amount.
Does snake drink water?
And the snake or the snake has the ability to change its skin by peeling the crust cover completely from its body, every once in a while, and the snake’s jaw contains a flexible jaw that contains flexible and stretching ligaments to swallow the prey with ease, regardless of its size, and the snake’s degree of vision changes according to its type, so the snake that Living on trees has better vision than living in burrows and underground.
And he has his tongue from which he tastes and also has a sense of smell, as he smells by sticking out his tongue to capture and analyze the surrounding odors, and he drinks water in small quantities.
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Source : اخبار الاردن