4 signs that you say turmeric is fraudulent or healthy.. “Watch the sedimentation”
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
A little turmeric is enough to add a flavor of taste, color and health and make food delicious, and besides its distinct taste, no one can deny that turmeric is one of the most powerful spices that has been used over the centuries for its medicinal and therapeutic properties over the years. The seventh day reviews signs that tell you that the turmeric in front of you is adulterated, according to the websitetimesofindia” As follows:
You can take a spoonful of turmeric and dissolve it in a cup of water and stir it well, then leave it for a few minutes. If the color of the water becomes pale yellow, it is the original turmeric, but if the color settles at the bottom of the cup, it is adulterated.
the color:
To check that it is not bright yellow, a little turmeric powder can be added to the test tube, and a few drops of strong hydrochloric acid are added, then shake well. If the solution turns pink, this indicates a strong presence of methanol, which may cause food poisoning. Stomach cramps, nausea and indigestion, and the difficulty of this test makes it better to follow other methods in detecting adulteration of turmeric powder.
hand test:
Put a little turmeric powder on your hand and massage it with the thumb of your other hand for 10-20 seconds, if the turmeric is pure, it will leave a yellow stain on your hand.
Metal Testing and Chalk Powder:
To test for chemicals in turmeric powder, mix a teaspoon of turmeric with water. If it settles to the bottom and turns pale yellow, it is pure, while adulterated turmeric powder will turn dark yellow after being placed in the water.
Turmeric is also adulterated with chalk powder and to make sure of this you can add a teaspoon of it in a test tube with a few drops of water and hydrochloric acid. If there are bubbles in the solution, you should discard the turmeric because it indicates the presence of chalk powder in the turmeric powder.
turmeric powder
#signs #turmeric #fraudulent #healthy #Watch #sedimentation
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Source : اخبار الاردن