
The most prominent forms of cashmere, summer 2023 fashion, including the open pocket and the satin

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Summer means sea, and the beaches are not devoid of swimsuits in their shapes and designs that differ and distinguish each one from the other, whether veiled or not, the “cashe mayo” remains the most important piece that every girl can wear, from openwork, chiffon, satin and many other shapes, materials and designs, so he reviews The seventh day, the most prominent forms of cashmere, summer fashion 2023.

Mesh mayo cap

Long ago, in the past years, designs appeared for some pieces of clothing made of light corset, but during this period mesh designs appeared in many designs, whether outings or evening parties, but the most prominent was the design of the cashmere mesh with its lengths, whether short or long.

Mesh swimsuit cover

Cash mayo for the open shirt

A different and distinctive way to design a cashmere, which is a light white open shirt, that can be worn over your swimsuit, and although it is the fashion of 2023, you do not need to buy one of them because you already have one in your wardrobe, so you can use it as a cash mayo at the beach .

The open shirt
The open shirt

Chiffon cashmere

In the form of abayas, many designs of chiffon cashmere have appeared, whether plain or embroidered. This design is also suitable for veiled and non-veiled women because of its spaciousness, large design, and shapes that suit all tastes.


Silk swimsuit cash

But if you have a slightly long open blouse made of silk, you can use it as a cashmere at the beach, especially if it is in cheerful colors such as blue, orange and yellow.

Silk swimsuit cash
Silk swimsuit cash

Cash mayo pocket

The open pocket cashmere design is a trend this summer, with its distinctive lengths and colors, and you can make it yourself by taking two meters of light chiffon and placing a strip of the same fabric around the middle and just tying it.

The open pocket
The open pocket


#prominent #forms #cashmere #summer #fashion #including #open #pocket #satin

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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