
How to make zucchini crisps with eggs, in easy steps.. Renovate your kitchen

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Zucchini crackers are considered one of the delicious and healthy snacks, and it is preferable to replace them with ready-made unhealthy crackers. They also have many benefits and a distinctive taste, so “The Seventh Day” reviews, during the following lines, how to make zucchini crackers with eggs, according to the method of Chef Doaa Noir.

How to make zucchini crackers: Ingredients:

Zucchini sliced.

an egg.

a cup of flour.

Half a kilo of corn flour.


3 tablespoons of starch.


black pepper.


garlic powder.

Onion powder.

Browning oil.

How to prepare zucchini crisps

First, beat the eggs.

Then add half a cup of water, flour, salt and spices to it, mixing well to get a heavy texture.

Then put the zucchini slices in it until they are covered with the mixture.

Then mix the rusk, corn flour and starch.

Then the dish is covered with zucchini slices.

Then wait a few minutes and start preparing the oil and frying.

It can be served on its own between the main meals, or it can be served with the main dishes, as desired, as it is similar to fried potato slices.

Zucchini crackers with easy ingredients

Zucchini crackers
Zucchini crackers


#zucchini #crisps #eggs #easy #steps #Renovate #kitchen

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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