Simplicity Day.. What will happen if I stay away from the mobile phone and its applications for one day?
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
The development of technology facilitates many of our life matters, but at the same time it made us very attached to it, so that every person has his own mobile phone that he uses to communicate with others instead of meeting them and strengthening the threads of friendship with them, and many machines have caused environmental pollution and other damages that resulted. On the development of technology, and on the occasion of Simplicity Day corresponding to July 12, as noted by the ” .daysoftheyearIn this report, we review the benefits of living simply, even for one day, according to the website. simplelionheartlife“.
The benefits of living simply
more time
Getting rid of distractions and chaos, such as avoiding browsing social networking sites, and returning to real life helps save a lot of time that was wasted browsing virtual reality sites, which can be used to develop some skills.
simple life
Improve physical health
Simply living away from modern gadgets positively affects physical health, as it reduces the feeling of stress, and studies show that prolonged exposure to high levels of stress can affect health, including your heart functions, your mental health, digestion, memory, and others.

Live life simply
Improve social relations
Staying away from social networking sites and living simply helps to improve social relations through people’s keenness to meet each other.
The benefits of living life simply
Focus and creativity
Living life simply helps focus and creativity at work, as a person has a lot of time that he used to waste on social networking sites, and also gets rid of distractions from TV, mobile phone and other devices and focuses only on his work to be creative in it.
Preserving the environment
Living life simply, away from the use of devices that pollute the environment, helps reduce the percentage of waste and thus preserves the environment from pollution.
More happiness
Living life simply means less tension and pressure, a sense of satisfaction and focus on achieving the goal, which helps to feel more happy.
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Source : اخبار الاردن