
A transgender woman wins the Miss Netherlands title.. Know information about her

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Ricky Valerie Colley won the Miss Netherlands title last Saturday and is considered the first transgender woman to win this title and the second transgender woman to compete in the Miss Universe contest, and she won this title against nine other contestants, and the competition organization announced her victory on her pages on social media. Where they shared a photo of Kohli after she was crowned Miss Holland, according to the website “.insider“.

A transgender woman wins Miss Netherlands

And Ricky Valerie is 22 years old and according to NOS a broadcaster based in the Netherlands, Rikki is the second transgender woman to compete in the Miss Universe pageant after Angela Ponce.

Miss Holland
Miss Holland

Ricky has previously appeared in Next Top Model In the Netherlands in 2018, she competed for the title with four, and the Miss Universe organization changed some of its rules, as last August it allowed mothers and married women to compete for the title of Miss Universe.

Celebration of victory
Celebration of victory

The report indicated that Ms. Ann Jakapong Jakragutatep bought the organization in October 2022. Jakaragutatep is the first woman to own Miss Universe in the history of the 70-year-old organization, and is considered the richest transgender woman in the world.


Ricky works as a model and actress, as she previously appeared in the program “Holland’s Next Top ModelAnd she celebrated winning the title on her Instagram page, where she wrote: “It’s unreal but I can call myselfmissnederland 2023.. It’s been a great learning process, my year can’t go wrong anymore

“I am so proud and happy, I can’t describe it,” she continued. “You have made my community proud and proven that this can be achieved.


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Source : اخبار الاردن

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