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Is a heart attack at work considered a work injury?

Amman Today

publish date 2023-07-09 09:17:28

An expert in social insurance, Musa Al-Subaihi, revealed how social security deals with deaths resulting from a heart attack.

Al-Subaihi cited the death of the head of one of the halls in Ajloun Governorate, Professor Eid Al-Rabadi.

The following is what Al-Subaihi wrote on his Facebook page:

May God have mercy on the employee and teacher in the Education Directorate of Ajloun Governorate, Eid Al-Rabadi, who moved to his mercy after a heart attack he suffered while performing his work as head of one of the high school exam halls during the exam session yesterday, Saturday.

How does the insurance look at the death of the late Rabadi, and is it a natural death or can it be considered an accidental death, i.e. arising from a work injury..?

Within the concept of work injury in the insurance law, the injury is limited to three main forms:

1) Occupational disease: there is a list of (58) occupational diseases in a special table attached to the insurance law, not including heart attack or the direct causes leading to it.

2) Work accident: Here, an accident must occur that affects the insured while performing his work or because of this work, and there must be an external factor for the occurrence of the accident, such as falling from a height, for example, or being harmed due to the use of a machine, machine, or any of the work tools. This is the direct concept of the accident.

3) Road accident: It is any accident that the insured is exposed to while on his way from his home to his place of work or vice versa and while he is going to perform any task outside his place of work, and the accident here may be a vehicle traffic accident or an accident while walking on foot..and so on.

According to the usual practice of the Social Security Institution, the death of the late Rabadi will most likely be classified as a natural death and not a death resulting from a work injury, even if it occurred during work, and even if we assume that it was due to work as well, which is a very narrow and traditional concept of work injury.

But here, far from the traditional thinking, I would like to say that if it is proven that the heart attack was a result of what is called job stress, that is, due to severe psychological pressure and intense anger resulting from work, and this may be possible in the case before us, then it is possible or even It is assumed that the death is classified as an injury death, that is, a death resulting from a work injury. From a medical point of view, it has been proven that anger or extreme distress resulting from work may lead to a person having a heart or stroke.

In any case, the condition of the death of the late Rabadi as a natural death by the Insurance Institution, which is most likely, necessitates his entitlement to the natural death retirement pension if he had at least (24) actual contributions, including (6) continuous contributions. The salary is calculated at the rate of (50%) of his average wage subject to the insurance during the last 12 contributions, and it is increased by 0.5% (half a percent) of it for each year of the insured person’s contribution to the insurance if his contributions ranged between 60 and 119 contributions, and it is increased by 1 % (one percent) for each year of subscription if his contributions amounted to 120 contributions or more. It is also increased by (40) dinars, which is the general increase for all retirement and disability salaries.

Funeral expenses for his family are also paid at a value of 700 dinars.

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Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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