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Awqaf launches 3,000 centers for memorizing the Holy Qur’an

Amman Today

publish date 2023-07-09 13:34:29

The Minister of Awqaf, Islamic Affairs and Holy Sites, Dr. Muhammad Al-Khalayleh, announced the start of the activities of the summer centers for memorizing the Holy Qur’an, which the ministry organizes annually in all regions of the Kingdom, starting from yesterday, Saturday, and continuing until Thursday, August 17, and the number of which is 3000 centers for males and females.
Al-Khalayleh said during the press conference held today, Sunday, at the Ministry’s center, that summer centers will be held in the courtyards of mosques, where female teaching will take place on Saturdays, Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00 am until 12:30 noon, and teaching will be in male centers, on Sundays. And Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 am until 12:30 pm, with the exception of areas known for high temperatures during the summer, such as Aqaba and the Jordan Valley, so that teaching takes place during the evening period and the same period specified for teaching.
And he added in the conference, which was attended by the Secretary General of the Ministry, Dr. Abdullah Al-Aqeel, and the Assistant Secretary-General for Directorate Affairs, Dr. Hatem Al-Suhaimat, that the title of the summer centers for this year will be (On the soil of Jordan, the shrines of the Companions are a witness and a sign), as the ministry aims through this title to link the youth with a generation The honorable Companions, introducing them to them, their sacrifices, heroism, and morals, and also introducing the shrines and shrines of the Companions located on the soil of Jordan, and linking the present with the past so that these students get acquainted with the sacrifices and heroics that the Companions made.
He referred to the Ministry’s commitment to its message and vision emanating from the call to wisdom and good preaching, and the care, support and encouragement of the people of the Qur’an through the launch of His Majesty King Abdullah II, for a number of initiatives represented by the seal of the Holy Qur’an, the Oman Message, printing the Holy Qur’an and other initiatives, which demonstrate the identity of this country. And his Islamic message based on the noble values ​​and morals that our true religion urges us to do.
He added that the ministry usually opens 2,000 summer centers every year, and due to the high demand and the large number of requests submitted by supervisors and teachers to teach in these centers and the many requests by parents to open summer centers throughout the Kingdom, the number of these centers has been increased by 500. The tip meeting for males and females, and 500 centers will be opened for teachers who donate to God Almighty, bringing the number of centers to 3000 centres, and the number can be increased to bring the total number of male and female students enrolled in it to 170,000 male and female students and perhaps more than that, and it included all governorates and districts of the Kingdom.
And he continued, that the names of the centers have been published on the Ministry’s page and the pages of the Awqaf directorates, to make it easier for parents and students to know the centers near them, so that they can send their children to these centers.
He explained that the ministry stipulated that the teacher or supervisor of these centers should have one of the levels of recitation and intonation issued by the Ministry of Endowments, or hold a Sharia qualification that enables him to teach. Conditions apply to them.
He stressed that the Ministry will continue to teach students in its affiliated centers free of charge and without any financial compensation, as these centers do not charge any fees for teaching students, but the Ministry bears the entire financial cost of all centers.
The summer centers affiliated with the Ministry of Endowments will include extracurricular activities, cultural and religious competitions, sports activities, and trips to the shrines and shrines of the Companions. The work and inspection of these centers.

#Awqaf #launches #centers #memorizing #Holy #Quran

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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