International Chocolate Day.. Know your character from your favorite type of candy
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Some prefer dark chocolate and others prefer it with nuts or cream and other different types and flavors, but what many do not know is that a person’s choice of chocolate indicates a feature of his personality, and this is what we will know in the report, on the occasion of World Chocolate Day, according to what was mentioned by the website.jagranjosh“.
Find out your favorite type of chocolate
regular chocolate
People who prefer regular chocolate are straightforward, have positive energy, are sometimes moody, and love to live their lives their way.
Dark chocolate
The personality that prefers dark chocolate is characterized by conservatism, mystery, elegance, desire for independence and practicality, as well as curiosity and interest in physical fitness through daily exercise. He is also keen on following a healthy diet that contains the nutrients he needs in order to maintain his health.
Milk chocolate
The person who prefers chocolate with milk is characterized by calmness, intelligence, and willpower. He also possesses positive, romantic, and emotional energy. Therefore, he is serious about his emotional relationships. He loves to follow old traditions and customs and refuses to follow anything new in life. He always tends to take advice from his family, whether in his professional or social life.
Chocolate with nuts
The person who prefers eating chocolate with nuts is enthusiastic, quick-witted, cheerful, energetic, and fun, as he is keen to make those around him happy, so he is loved by everyone, and passionate as he is keen to achieve his dream on the ground, and does not give in to despair and frustration as he is keen to enjoy the present moment, and feels happy from The least, so he is always happy in his life.
World Chocolate Day

Chocolate type and personality traits

World Chocolate Day
#International #Chocolate #Day #character #favorite #type #candy
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Source : اخبار الاردن