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The Senate condemns the burning of a copy of the Holy Quran in Sweden

Amman Today

publish date 2023-06-30 14:40:21

The Senate expressed its strong condemnation and denunciation of an extremist’s burning of a copy of the Holy Qur’an at the Stockholm Central Mosque in Sweden, after the Eid al-Adha prayer.

Acting Senate Speaker, Samir Al-Rifai, said, “This heinous crime and abhorrent act cannot be accepted with any justification, as it constitutes a clear incitement to hatred and racism, and contradicts international efforts aimed at spreading the values ​​of tolerance and moderation, rejecting extremism and violence, and promoting commonalities among the people of the heavenly religions.” .

In a statement issued today, Friday, he stressed that burning a copy of the Holy Qur’an is a shameful act that provokes the feelings of Muslims around the world, contradicts the values ​​of respect for others and their sanctities, and fuels feelings of hatred among peoples.

Al-Rifai explained that the Senate rejects such abhorrent practices that affect the constants and religious beliefs of Muslims, stressing the responsibility of states to prevent calls for incitement and hate crimes, and to stop those practices that would undermine the security and stability of societies.

And he indicated that this heinous act, which hurt the feelings of millions of Muslims, has at the same time offended the Western peoples themselves, who have long boasted of embracing diversity, respecting the beliefs of others, and protecting religions and the rights of their adherents.

In the statement, Al-Rifai called for deterring and preventing such extremists and for tightening penalties against the perpetrators of these heinous acts, as such crimes cannot be tolerated or considered within the framework of freedom of expression.

He noted that burning a copy of the Holy Qur’an is a racist act of dangerous acts of hatred, and a manifestation of Islamophobia that incites violence and insulting religions, and such acts cannot be justified in the context of freedom of expression at all, and this condemned act represents one of the worst forms of hatred.


#Senate #condemns #burning #copy #Holy #Quran #Sweden

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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