There are 4 different ways to serve mombar around the world.. not always stuffed with rice
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Mombar is considered one of the distinctive dishes known to the Egyptians, with its distinctive seasonings, and it is presented in more than one way, including those who stuff it with rice, tomatoes, onions, and more spices, and others who stuff it with minced meat, with hot seasoning, due to its large size, while the small ones are prepared and made from it sausages, Its taste is distinctive, rarely find someone who does not like it, and it is presented in different ways, and “The Seventh Day” reviews some of the ways in which the intestines of the carcass “mombar” are presented around the world.
Mombar preparation in India
according to the sitemeatfolksThe intestines of the goats, after being cleaned and cut into small rings, are cooked in the spice sauce of the region, with more chili peppers, and minced meat can be added to it, with more diced tomatoes and chopped onions.
Indian mombar
Preparation of mombar in China
There are many ways in which mumbar is served, the first is called alfalfa rings, and the intestines are cut into rings and cooked with soy sauce, ginger, green onions and sugar. Shanghai cuisine is known for this distinctive dish, and the second method is that it is served hot, after boiling it in ginger water, then seasoning it. With garlic, bay leaves and cardamom, it is fried in oil with small red hot peppers and served in this way in the Chongqing region, according to the “Chongqing” website.thechinaproject“.

The mumbar in China
Mumbar in Türkiye
Some wrap lamb meat, whether cut or minced, with mombar, grease it with sauce, and put it on a skewer on a charcoal grill, until it takes on a golden color and is served with a crispy layer.
Turkish mombar
Mombar preparation in Italy
In Italy it is called Coratella with carciofi It is a traditional Italian dish originating from Umbria and Lazio, consisting of a mixture of lamb guts, artichokes, garlic, olive oil, rosemary, salt and black pepper, after cleaning it well, then frying the oil, and serving it with grilled vegetables.
Mombar with artichoke
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Source : اخبار الاردن