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The nation must liberate Al-Aqsa so that Muslims may sanctify their pilgrimage

Amman Today

publish date 2023-06-29 11:08:07

Amman – the compass

The head of the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood, Jamil Abu Bakr, said that Muslims today, as they perform the greatest pillar of the pilgrimage, must restore the meanings of their unity and remember the necessity of “sanctifying their pilgrimage” and making the journey to the third of the Two Holy Mosques, the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is exposed morning and evening to flagrant violations from the brutal occupation. Except by working to liberate it from the filth of the Zionists.

Abu Bakr said in his statements to:compass“There is no doubt that Hajj is one of the greatest pillars of Islam, and it is what achieves for Muslims the meanings of equality and unity in the hands of God Almighty, and this is what they should be upon in this world.

He continued by saying: It also reminds them that they are one nation, and that Jerusalem is like Mecca, and it is necessary to look forward to what is happening in it and work to liberate it and preserve its sanctities, foremost among which is the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Abu Bakr added by saying: There is no doubt that what is happening of Zionist tampering and desecration is a provocation for all Muslims, for this enemy to resort to storming Al-Aqsa Mosque and destroying the contents of the Bab Al-Rahma chapel in the light of Muslim holidays, which is a kind of disregard for their existence.

Jamil Abu Bakr: The occupation’s storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Bab Al-Rahma Chapel is a provocation against Muslims on their holidays

He added, however, by saying: It is true that this, God willing, will not last, and this enemy will pay a heavy price for it, and this is the promise of God, Glory be to Him, who will not fail, but Muslims must do their utmost to save the pleasure of their homelands, and to save the pleasure of their people and this nation in Palestine and its environs.

Abu Bakr said: The Lord of the Worlds, Glory be to Him, always reminds Muslims through all the pillars and all acts of worship that they are one nation that has its own uniqueness in its creed, law, culture, hopes and aspirations, and this is what all Muslims must realize and act on the basis of.

“We ask God, Glory be to Him, to accept from His servants the greatest pilgrimage in a good way, to bless their efforts, to forgive them, to answer their prayers, and to hasten the imminent relief of our nation,” as he put it.

When will the nation return to sanctify Hajj?

Abu Bakr pointed out that sanctifying the Hajj was an Ottoman habit, saying: We used to hear, when we were young, even in Palestine, that so-and-so went to sanctify his Hajj, and since no one travels except to three mosques, so after they visited the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, they return to travel to Al-Aqsa Mosque. which the hearts of Muslims relate to.

He concluded by saying: “We must remind Muslims in this context and on this occasion that under this holy and blessed pilgrimage, Al-Aqsa is captive and occupied, and that it must be liberated in order for them to sanctify their pilgrimage, and for them to perform a prayer in it, God willing, that is equal to five hundred prayers.”

Throughout the long decades of our civilization’s history, specifically since the Ottoman era, the pilgrimage has been associated with the city of Jerusalem, with what is called (the sanctification of Hajj), which is visiting the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque / Al-Qudsi Al-Sharif after performing the Hajj and staying there for a period of three days, an increase and hope for reward and an embodiment of the noble Prophet’s hadith. Do not travel except to three mosques: Al-Masjid Al-Haram, this mosque of mine, and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

There is an old custom and a common proverb, “a pilgrimage with sanctification”, which means the culmination of work with another successful and fruitful work, as the pilgrimage is followed by visiting the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, but the continuous Israeli aggressions and Israel’s disrespect for religious rituals stole joy from Jerusalemites and visitors to Jerusalem, especially during holidays, including the blessed Eid Al-Adha .

The Battle of Bab Al-Rahma is renewed every Eid

The occupation forces renewed their targeting of the Bab al-Rahma chapel on the morning of Eid al-Adha, as they arrested five worshipers from it and entered it with wooden stairs, the purpose of which is not yet clear.

This aggression comes one day after the occupation police announced that it had submitted a request to the Occupation Court in Jerusalem to extend the closure order against what it claims are “Bab al-Rahma offices” because they are used as a “headquarters for incitement and subversive activities.”

The occupation courts adhere to their decision issued in early 2003 to close the Gate of Mercy building, claiming that it is a “headquarters for a terrorist organization,” which is the Islamic Heritage Committee of the Awqaf, and renews it every six months. This is within the framework of the occupation’s efforts to divide Al-Aqsa spatially.

The occupation authorities tried to exploit this historical precedent by placing a lock for the occupation police on the Bab al-Rahma building to confiscate it on 2-17-2019. This is what the Almoravids responded to with the gift of the Gate of Mercy, which was able to open the Gate of Mercy and restore it to its legal and historical origin as an integral part of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The occupation forces attacked Bab al-Rahma by sabotaging the electricity and audio network and robbing the property endowed on it on the second day of Eid al-Fitr, before the Al-Murabitun and the Endowments returned to repair and rebuild it with prayers.


#nation #liberate #AlAqsa #Muslims #sanctify #pilgrimage

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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