Eid is a great opportunity for joy, to melt the ice of rivalry, and to purify hearts from hatred
Amman Today
publish date 2023-06-27 15:58:36
Compass – Jordanians welcome Eid Al-Adha with joy and exultation, exchanging greetings, shaking hands and tolerance, considering the Eid days as a great opportunity to melt the ice of rivalry, purify hearts of hatred and grudges, and turn to others with love and friendship to reach a cohesive and loving society.
Dr. Omar Al-Alawneh, Director of Al-Taybeh Brigade Endowments in Irbid, told the Jordan News Agency (Petra) that Eid Al-Adha represents a great opportunity to forget rivalries, overcome differences, open new horizons of love and serenity, and rebuild the cord of affection and harmony again.
Dr. Al-Alawneh called for pardon and pardon among people and forbearing the ignorant, pointing out that Eid al-Adha is a day of sacrifice and redemption, a day of joy and serenity, and a day of reward from the Lord of Heaven for the tolerant, forgiving and generous.
In turn, many citizens expressed their happiness on the occasion of the advent of the blessed Eid al-Adha, and said that what distinguishes Eid al-Adha is shaking hands and tolerance along with the “sacrifice” according to the financial ability and the role of that in rapprochement between people and spending the morning of the day of Eid in the house (parents or the so-called large family) or in the guesthouses and offices of families, then the relatives gather over the feast dish that is prepared, whether from sacrificial meat or special dishes prepared for such good occasions.
They emphasized that, although Eid al-Adha is an important religious occasion, the holiday is also a social entitlement that is associated with manifestations of joy and pleasure and is linked to the extent of social relations and their customs, such as the exchange of congratulations and visits between relatives and friends. There are rituals that mark the days of Eid and determine people’s choices in their movement.
And the forty-year-old, Abu Omar Amin Halahleh, says that the feast is a period of rest and satisfaction between family, neighbors, friends, neighbors and family, and it is a great opportunity for kinship ties, indicating that life is not devoid of problems and the feast comes as a valuable opportunity to remove quarrels between everyone, whether family and relatives or friends and neighbors.
He pointed out that Jordanians share holiday rituals and traditions, such as gathering in large numbers to perform the Eid prayer, cleaning their homes, wearing new clothes, giving children candy or money, eating festive food with the family, visiting the wombs, and overcoming differences.
Mrs. Wejdan Suleiman Um Muhammad says: On the feast, we used to wear new clothes, and set aside all differences, even temporarily, to complete the joy and re-meet, so that the atmosphere of coexistence and goodness prevails. in their lives” .
Wejdan continues her speech, “In the morning, after the worshipers return from performing the Eid prayer and congratulating each other, the smell of incense emanating from some houses and the sounds of the radio broadcasting songs about Eid al-Adha attract feelings of goodness and love that increase joy with joy.
For her part, Mrs. Kholoud Shatara considers that “the joy of Eid extends to children more, and as she put it,” the Eid has a joy and a special opportunity that people should take advantage of to spread joy to their children, saying: As for adults, their joy remains with the symbol of Eid, which brings difficult economic pressures and heavy social obligations in A difficult financial situation remained for many citizens.
In turn, Riyad Khatlin says that the priority of the holiday for some is to buy clothes for his wife and children, to secure the needs of the holiday in terms of sweets and essential supplies, and to present gifts within the framework of kinship relations that impose religious and social duties, adding that his financial situation does not allow the purchase of a sacrifice whose price exceeds half. income.
He pointed out that play and fun are two things that many families are keen on in order to complete the joy of Eid
By visiting amusement parks and zoos as a time of joy and happiness.
#Eid #great #opportunity #joy #melt #ice #rivalry #purify #hearts #hatred
Jordan News
Source : اخبار الاردن