Learn the best steps to make you enjoy sleeping on vacation.. Start from today
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Some people may find it difficult to fall asleep on a daily basis, especially on days when they are waiting for something important or a meeting, and sometimes they may end up taking sleeping pills or sleep aids, but despite that there are also those who sleep but wake up tired, as if they were up all night. the sea, and this may be due to not taking enough sleep, or even the surroundings in which he sleeps is not ready for sleep and rest, or even the events of the day revolve in his head during that period, there are some steps and methods that help to get a comfortable sleep, and keep you awake without getting tired, especially with the start of the blessed Eid Al-Adha holiday, according to what was published by the “sleepfoundation“.
Sleep deeply
Waking up at a consistent time
Start today by making a promise to yourself to wake up at a fixed time, especially on vacation days. Big shifts in the way you sleep can make you feel stressed that will cause insomnia. If you decide to get up early or sleep, try not to change your usual sleep schedule for more than an hour, until It adjusts your internal clock, and doesn’t make you feel tired.
soaking up the morning light
Exposure to the sun at a certain time on a daily basis can help you feel comfortable and be able to absorb the vitamin Dfrom its natural source, and this is what makes the individual comfortable and does not feel tired or exhausted and stressed, only scientific studies indicate that exposure to daylight in the morning may help you feel more active during the day and sleep early at night.

Get active
Physical activity is associated with an abundance of health benefits, including good sleep. Experts recommend starting small and starting with 150 minutes a day, either sparse or community, but it’s best to avoid more strenuous and stimulating exercise too close to bedtime.
Get ready for bed
As evening approaches, create a routine of your own. You can prepare yourself to turn off the lights, relax, and avoid things that might disrupt your sleep. Try to schedule at least an hour in the evening for quiet activities that help you relax, such as journaling, reading, or taking a walk. A warm bath, to further promote relaxation, and consider using relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.

Some prohibitions
You should not eat too late, smoke cigarettes, or have caffeine that can affect your sleep routine. Try to eat dinner more than two hours before bedtime, as it can last in the body for up to eight hours.
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Source : اخبار الاردن