7 things that may be present in your home that bring negative energy, including dead decor
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Have you ever thought that you would pay a lot of money for something, and in the end it would be the cause of poverty, cut off your livelihood, or even be the cause of many problems in relationships, or might cause death, although there are many myths that We were raised on it, and some do not believe in it, but the science of energy gathers that all this has to do with energy, and these myths may be related to some things or even birds and insects, so even if you are not particularly superstitious, it is still possible to stay away from These unlucky things you don’t leave at home, Seventh Day reviews them for you according to the site’s bulletin.bobvila“.
broken clock
Since clocks represent the passage of time, they have long been associated with human deaths, especially in the Victorian era. Stopping clocks is always associated with the death of a family member, so it is not surprising that a clock that suddenly stopped working portends bad luck, and if that broken clock It suddenly chimes, as this is a sign of approaching death, so either repair it or throw it away.
broken clock
You may think that it is something beautiful and special when your children bring home a bowl of fireflies or silkworms or catch these insects when they go to the garden and keep them, but beware in some Victorian legends, when a firefly or worms enter your house, it affects the energy of the people present and even put them in a state of perpetual inactivity.

Dead decor
Whether it’s a vase of wilted cut flowers, a mummified animal head, or even seashells which according to energetics are called dead decor, dead objects in the home can bring bad luck, as skulls, rotting fruit, and blown out candles symbolize the transience of human life, the problem is not In that it was dried, though, feng shui science believes that certain seashells, when placed correctly, can attract good luck.

Dead decor
green paint
In the nineteenth century, they were making green paint from arsenic, which is considered a deadly poison, because it contains the poisonous arsenic gas. Doctors and paint manufacturers discovered this toxic practice and put an end to it, but some still consider green walls in the house unlucky.

green paint
old broom
If you move into a new home, don’t bring the broom you used previously, and it is a common superstition around the world that an old broom can sweep away good luck. This caution may have its roots in common sense, as using old cleaning tools on new excavations can lead to Pests and dirt are from your previous residence, so whether you’re superstitious or not, you may want to get a new broom when you move.

old broom
Red and white flowers in a vase
Make sure to make your bouquets with lots of different flowers or choose a single color, because Victorian superstition states that displaying red and white flowers together in a vase portends death, and this combination of colors is considered particularly bad luck in hospitals.

red flower
peacock feathers
Although beautiful and used in many decorations in the home or design in clothing, peacock feathers are a symbol of misfortune in many Western countries. As if they are allied with the devil.

peacock feathers
#present #home #bring #negative #energy #including #dead #decor
Jordan Miscellaneous news
Source : اخبار الاردن