
Harry Potter and the Eidia tree

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

During the period leading up to any occasion, the fiancé feels confusion and anxiety when searching for a gift for his fiancée, because he wants the gift to impress her, and because there are a few days and Eid al-Adha begins, we review in this report the most prominent trends of Eid al-Adha gifts that are currently offered in various shops.

The most prominent trends in gifts for the betrothed on Eid al-Adha

Heroes of Harry Potter and Eid

If the fiancée is a fan of the “Harry Potter” series, she can buy a gift for her that is a statue of one of the heroes of the famous series, decorated with flowers of cheerful colors, and add a gift tied to a thread with the phrase “Happy New Year”, or choose any other congratulatory sentence.

Harry Potter heroes

Lamb Box

It is possible to purchase a small box that contains a group of small flowers of cheerful colors and a small toy sheep. The box is decorated with a “bow”, with a greeting card added inside the box, in which the fiancé can write any phrase he wants to express his love for his fiancée.


Lamb Box

decorative piece

It is possible to choose a decorative piece consisting of a mannequin decorated with small flowers of cheerful colors, with the addition of a congratulatory phrase on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.


decorative piece

Eidiya tree

One of the most prominent trends for gifts for the betrothed on Eid al-Adha is a piece of decor that is a statue of a little girl wearing a dress and a hat and sitting under a tree, surrounded by flowers of delightful colors, and inside the flowers are Eid money wrapped in covers of cheerful colors and the rest of the Eid money tied to the branches of the tree, with the addition of the phrase Congratulations such as Happy Eid or Happy New Year, and other different phrases with which the preacher congratulates his fiancée, or add a greeting card in which the preacher writes phrases expressing his love for her to make her feel happy.


Eidiya tree


#Harry #Potter #Eidia #tree

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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