
A prisoner’s counselor puts a prescription for a stressed mother to deal with a high school student

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

The marathon of high school exams is still going on, which is accompanied by a state of intense tension among mothers and anxiety during the examination period, which causes exhaustion and double anxiety for the child, so the seventh day reviews, during the following lines, some important tips for dealing with anxious mothers with their children, according to what was indicated by Shaima Iraqi, a family consultant. and behavior modification.

Dealing with many anxious and stressful mothers

Important tips for dealing with anxious mothers with high school students:

Mothers should support the students with psychological support and encouragement without showing anxiety and stress

– It should create an appropriate atmosphere without family quarrels and provide a quiet atmosphere for students in which they can study quietly

– It is very important for mothers to motivate and self-confidence students without losing hope when performing any subject with difficulty, especially with poor solutions in difficult exams. Mothers must motivate students and spread morale with enthusiasm, passion and challenge all difficulties.

A healthy, safe and pressure-free atmosphere must be provided for the student, and all discussions about finances and tuition fees should be postponed, reviews with teachers, and an attempt should be made not to make the student feel that he is a burden on the family.

– The student should not be put under pressure and called him a failure because of his failure to perform any subject, and encourage him that he can compensate in other subjects.

It is possible for a mother to stay away from her son or daughter during exam periods, or to provide support in a clear way without him feeling anxious or bored. Try to hide the features of fear and hope for God’s goodness.

Many anxious mothers
Many anxious mothers


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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