Natural recipes to lighten the area around the nose.. From chickpeas to coriander and yogurt
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Some suffer from the problem of dark areas around the nose, resulting from many reasons, including exposure to sunlight, which causes a woman to feel embarrassed, so she tries to treat it by applying makeup to lighten this area, and other temporary solutions, which are preferred to be replaced with natural recipes to lighten the area around the nose, which depend on Simple steps, which we review in this report.healthshots“.
Natural recipes to lighten the area around the nose
A delicate recipe for chickpeas and turmeric to lighten the nose area
You can prepare an amount of chickpea flour, a pinch of turmeric and some raw milk, mix the mixture together and place it around the nose and leave it for a period of 10 to 15 minutes, then wash the nose with lukewarm water.
Nose lightening
Potato juice recipe to lighten the area around the nose
Potatoes contain starch that helps treat pigmentation spread on the nose and skin, and helps lighten dark spots around the nose, by preparing a potato and extracting the juice, placing it on and around the nose and leaving it to dry, then washing the face with cold water or preparing a potato slice and rubbing the area around the nose.
Natural ways to lighten the area around the nose
Lemon and turmeric recipe to lighten the area around the nose
Lemon with turmeric helps lighten dark spots around the nose, by preparing a few tablespoons of lemon juice and adding turmeric powder, mixing and placing it on and around the nose, leaving it to dry and then washing it with lukewarm water, repeating the recipe to get a positive result.
Natural recipes to lighten the area around the nose
Milk recipe to lighten the area around the nose
Yogurt works to lighten dark spots because it contains lactic acid and enzymes that help fade skin pigmentation, by mixing curd and tomatoes in a ratio of 6: 2 and placing the mixture on the nose using a cotton ball, then leaving the face to dry and washing it with cold water, while repeating it regularly to get a positive result.
Recipe coriander and yogurt to lighten the area around the nose
Coriander and milk both help lighten the skin, and thus get rid of dark spots around the nose, by preparing a few fresh coriander leaves and grinding them to make a thick paste, adding 3 tablespoons of yogurt and mixing the mixture with 3 tablespoons of coriander paste, and placing this mixture on The face and leave it to dry, then wash the face with lukewarm water.
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Source : اخبار الاردن