
6 tips for high school students to overcome the anxiety and dread of exams

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

It is known that exams make the student nervous over the slightest thing, and make him feel intense fear when even thinking about exams. He may forget a certain piece of information that he has already remembered, and the student may feel unable to concentrate, with sweaty hands and unjustified stomach pain, and there are some tips To manage anxiety before and even during exams, and to find out these tips, you can follow the following report, according to the “princetonreview” website.

Anxiety is considered normal when the exam date is approaching, as the student may feel headache or nausea, which makes the student unable to focus, and fear of failure.

Tips to remove exam dread and anxiety:

be ready:

One of the things that the student must do is to be highly prepared, for more confidence, when performing the exam, with the ability to review the lessons he has with full comprehension.


Get a good night’s sleep:

The student must get enough rest, to calm his nerves at night, and not stay up late. Sleeping early and resting the body is better than revising all night without taking some rest.

Make sure to eat breakfast:

Breakfast is one of the important meals that the student should eat during the day, while taking snacks with him in the bag to obtain energy continuously, which gives him a boost of activity and the body’s access to nutrients, with an increase in concentration and lack of anxiety.

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Going to the exam venue early:

Going to the exam venue late increases anxiety and stress, and for this reason the student must go to the exam venue early, by setting the alarm before the exam time, so that there is an opportunity to review calmly.

Read the question carefully:

The student must read the instructions carefully, while reading all the questions before the test, so that he feels that he has the ability to solve all the questions, while maintaining his focus to solve while he is calm, with all the questions that he knows the answers to, which increases his self-confidence.

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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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