Natural recipes to soften hair.. so that it stays like silk all the time
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Many seek to obtain soft hair like silk, so they follow all the methods that help them achieve this, including natural recipes for hair softening, which depend on simple steps that we review in this report, according to the “”healthshots“.
Natural recipes for smoothing hair
Aloe vera gel recipe to soften hair
Aloe vera gel helps moisturize the hair by extracting the gel from the aloe vera leaf and mixing it with some water to make a light liquid, placing it in a spray bottle and spraying it on the hair after shaking it well, repeating the recipe 3 to 4 times a week to get soft hair.
Natural ways to soften hair
Banana recipe to soften hair
Bananas contain natural oils, carbohydrates, and vitamins that help improve hair shine, softness, and elasticity, and get rid of dandruff, by preparing 1 ripe banana with 2 drops of lavender oil, then mashing a ripe banana in a bowl and adding two drops of lavender oil to the dough, and mixing it well, And put the paste on the hair and scalp well, and leave it in the period between 20 to 30 minutes, then wash the hair with some conditioner after that.
Natural recipes for smoothing hair
Coffee recipe to soften hair
Coffee helps to moisturize the hair deeply and soften it, by preparing 2-3 cups of cold brewed coffee (depending on the length), using a spray bottle, pouring the brewed coffee into the bottle, then washing the hair and spraying the brewed coffee on it, then gently massaging the scalp and leaving it for 15 minutes. minutes and then wash it off.
Recipes for smoothing hair
Recipe honey and olive oil to soften the hair
Honey and olive oil help moisturize the hair by preparing 4 tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of olive oil, then adding honey and olive oil in a bowl, mixing the ingredients and applying them to dry hair and leaving them for a period ranging from 20 to 30 minutes, then washing the hair with water and regular shampoo. Repeat the recipe twice a week for best results.
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Source : اخبار الاردن