Tips to protect your skin when exposed to the sun for a long time during the summer
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Exposure to harsh sunlight on the skin may cause the skin to become tight, dry and not moist, and there are ways to protect the skin and make it ready when exposed to the sun without any risks or damage to it, and to learn about these methods, you must follow the following report, according to the “” tomsofmaine“.
Get plenty of hydration:
To avoid dryness of the skin that may occur as a result of exposure to the hot sun, you should take a shower in a short period of time and that the water be warm and not hot. Directly after the bath, a moisturizing cream should be applied to the skin to prevent it from being exposed to any dryness.
Care must be taken when using natural moisturizers such as coconut oil because it acts as a protective barrier for the skin, helps fight bacteria and helps protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
damp skin
The body can be moisturized after the bath, which gives it a distinctive refreshing scent, such as applying jojoba oil, which helps protect from sunlight, moisturizes the skin, and reduces inflammation and acne, and care must be taken to use it in a small amount so as not to damage the clothes, and rub it carefully while massaging the skin with it.
Dry skin peeling:
Care must be taken to peel and remove dead skin from the surface of the skin, with caution when peeling if the skin has become red, the peeling process can be severe on the skin, and a sponge must be used to clean the dead skin, or a brush with soft bristles should be used, and after the peeling process it must be followed by a process Moisturizing before leaving the house, which helps maintain skin glow and protect it from sunlight while trying to sit in the shade.
Enjoy the sun
Drink plenty of water:
Certainly, drinking plenty of water is important for the body and cells to be highly hydrated, and of course skin moisture, because moisture makes the skin soft and supple, because when the skin is not hydrated, the skin is taut, scaly, and dry, so you must drink 8 glasses of water to maintain the freshness of the skin. Put some slices of fresh fruits such as oranges and lemons into the water with ice cubes to make the flavor unique and wonderful.
Refreshing juice
#Tips #protect #skin #exposed #sun #long #time #summer
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Source : اخبار الاردن