
Natural recipes to lighten the area around the mouth.. to get a uniform skin color

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Some women are surprised by the change in the color of the area around the mouth and its transformation into a dark color as a result of various reasons, including the side effects of some medical drugs, or the lack of vitamin B12 and vitamin D, which cause hyperpigmentation of the skin, as well as prolonged exposure to sunlight, and for this it must be discovered The reason for changing the color of an area around the mouth and its treatment. It is also possible to follow natural recipes to lighten the area around the mouth, which depends on the implementation of several steps that we review in this report, according to what was mentioned by the site ” skincraft “.

Natural recipes to lighten the area around the mouth

Oatmeal recipe to lighten the area around the mouth

You must prepare an amount of oatmeal in addition to tomato pulp and some olive oil, mix the ingredients together and apply the mixture to the area around the mouth with gently rubbing while following a circular motion to get rid of dead skin cells, which helps lighten the area around the mouth.

Natural ways to lighten the area around the mouth

Lemon juice recipe to lighten the area around the mouth

Lemon juice is an excellent treatment for skin lightening because it contains citric acid, which works to lighten the dark areas of the skin and prevent its recurrence. For this reason, it is recommended to cut the lemon into two halves and rub half of the lemon on the dark spot around the mouth for 10-15 minutes, then wash the mouth area.

Natural recipes to lighten the area around the mouth
Natural recipes to lighten the area around the mouth

Honey recipe to lighten the area around the mouth

You can mix a little honey with lemon juice and put the mixture around the mouth, leave it on all night, then wash your face in the morning.

Recipes to lighten the area around the mouth
Recipes to lighten the area around the mouth

Cucumber recipe to lighten the area around the mouth

Grated cucumber can be mixed with lemon juice and put the mixture around the mouth, leave it for several minutes, then wash the face with water.

Potato recipe to lighten the area around the mouth

To lighten the dark spots around the mouth, half a raw potato can be prepared, and the darkened area should be massaged using a circular motion for 20 minutes, then the face should be washed with water.


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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