
If you have an important interview and want to feel confident, 4 colors of clothes will help you

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Colors definitely affect a person’s mood, feelings, and even behaviors that he may deal with around him, and some colors may make a person happy, anxious, or feel calm. Every woman may want to be self-confident, so she should choose certain colors of clothes to appear bolder, and to find out about these colors, you can follow the following report, according to the “”vivaglammagazine“.

Colors that increase feelings of self-confidence:

Red color:

When a lady wears clothes in red, for more elegance, it is known that the color helps with physical courage, strength and energy and gives great stimulation, while drawing attention wherever the lady goes while she wears the bold red color, which draws all eyes to her wherever she goes.

the Red

the colour blue:

When worn, the blue color helps to enhance communication and thought and gives a lot of calm and relaxation. It is an ideal color to wear at work and at meetings. It maintains mental focus and the ability to speak logically and rationally.



the yellow color:

When a lady chooses to wear yellow clothes, it boosts her self-esteem, increases confidence and creativity, and it is an ideal color that can be worn when going on a date to feel more self-confidence and emotional strength.



green color:

For those who want to wear clothes in green, which gives feelings of love and peace, and a sense of balance, it can be worn when going to visit family and friends, to maintain feelings of reassurance, relaxation and love while enhancing self-confidence.




#important #interview #feel #confident #colors #clothes

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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