The most prominent forms of tattoos expressing the strength of its owner.. including the moon and predatory animals
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
The forms of tattoos are diverse and distinctive, especially these forms that are designed and executed according to the person’s inclinations, thinking and what he likes, including words, symbols, or even pictures of people dear to him, and since each form has a meaning, there are some forms that symbolize strength, courage, and the ability to face difficulties without fear, so “The Seventh Day” reviews some of these forms and their designs, according to the “Seventh Day”” as follows.
infinity symbol
It is known that this shape expresses infinity and is preferred by girls, but it is considered one of the distinctive shapes, especially if the couple designed it at the same time, as this shape expresses the strength of their love and their relationship with each other.
the lion
Not only lions, but tigers, hyenas, foxes, or what is called “monsters”, all these prey animals that indicate the strength of a person.
lion tattoo
Geometric shapes
Especially triangles, it is considered one of the most famous geometric shapes in tattoo designs, and it can also be drawn in color, and it can be designed in more than one distinctive or double way, through which you can express the strength of your personality.
Geometric shapes
the moon
The moon, despite its delicacy, symbolizes strength mixed with mystery. The moon can also be drawn in all its phases, from convex to crescent. All these shapes symbolize strength, especially if they are supported by a phrase or word that expresses you and what you feel and believe in inside you.
the moon
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Source : اخبار الاردن