
Control your emotions.. Various tips for dealing with a narcissistic personality

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Some people are forced to deal with the narcissistic personality, which is characterized by the fact that it needs all the time to feel admiration and works to benefit from others in any way. from their will and always deliberately controlling them, which makes it difficult to deal with them and raises many problems. To avoid this, you must follow tips for dealing with them, which we review in this report, according to what was mentioned by the “” anchortherapy “.

Tips for dealing with a narcissistic personality

Control your emotions

The narcissist relies on the emotional reactions of the person in front of him. When he finds him shocked, angry, or sad, he uses this to his advantage in talking to exercise his narcissism on him. Therefore, the other party must control his emotions and not show his feelings, by continuing to talk about the problem at hand without even delving into it. He controls his feelings.

Dealing with the narcissistic personality

Avoid direct confrontation

The narcissist is sensitive to any criticism, which arouses his anger, so whoever deals with the narcissist should avoid criticizing him directly.

Ways to deal with the narcissistic personality
Ways to deal with the narcissistic personality

Make him keep his promise

The narcissistic person is great at making imaginary plans for the future, but he does not fulfill his promises, so when wanting to hold a narcissist accountable, none of his requests must be met unless he fulfills his promise.

narcissistic personality
narcissistic personality

Maintain your boundaries with him

The narcissist easily crosses his limits when dealing with others, and he gives priority to his limits, so whoever deals with him must set, maintain and protect his limits strongly.

Remind yourself that you are not guilty

If nothing goes as the narcissist desires, he begins to blame the other party, so whoever deals with him must remind himself all the time that he is not guilty, and therefore does not accept blame.

Refuse to hurt your feelings

The narcissist considers hurting the feelings of others to be normal behavior, so whoever deals with him should reject this treatment and demand that he modify his behavior.

Asked assistant

Some people may find it difficult to deal with a narcissistic personality, so at that time they should seek help from a person who specializes in human relations in order to learn how to deal with this type of personality, and if they cannot deal with it, they should avoid it.


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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