For some men.. 6 impressions, try to get rid of them before getting married
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
At a time when any girl dreams of achieving her future, and of being a strong woman with a distinguished personality, she also does not mind being associated with a man who loves and supports her, and opens her heart and mind to him, especially if he respects what she has reached and helps her achieve everything that is better, but with All of this, as there are some acts that a woman never overlooks in the relationship with her life partner, and she will not forgive them, so this topic concerns men, which explain some of the characteristics that some of them have, and they must get rid of them completely before the engagement, and “The Seventh Day” reviews it, according to site “hackspirit“.
marriage life
The partner is arrogant
No woman tolerates dealing with an arrogant personality, so how can she allow that in an emotional relationship, as it is a very bad characteristic, to deal with an arrogant person who always sees you as less than him, and this is not appropriate in an emotional relationship, and this characteristic is characteristic of some men.
He doesn’t always respect her
This characteristic never appears at the beginning of the relationship, as everyone tries hard to show his respect for the other party, and then some men begin to appear as they are, and do not respect the woman, but as soon as he shows his disrespect for her and her being in front of others, then it is decided not to complete that relationship.
marital relationship
Not appreciating her words
The only thing a confident woman will not tolerate is a partner who ignores her voice, without even discussing it. If her partner is constantly making her feel unimportant and unheard by ignoring her words, she will not hesitate to re-evaluate the relationship.
Taking her success and hard work against her
Strong women are fiercely devoted to their passions and will not tolerate a relationship that hinders them instead of encouraging them. One of the biggest challenges they face is feeling upset or threatened when they are outperformed professionally or financially, thus causing unnecessary turmoil in the relationship.
life partner
Some women may tolerate being in a relationship with a liar or a traitor, and they may be content with warning him, but if this mistake is repeated, they will never forgive him, because that will break the trust she has towards him, and trust is the basis of every relationship.
offends her
A woman will never tolerate someone who abuses her, because she prioritizes herself, her dignity, and her boundaries, but as soon as she notices that you start trying to manipulate her, your relationship ends.
#men #impressions #rid #married
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Source : اخبار الاردن