4 basic rules for taking care of brittle, brittle nails
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Strong nails show a person that he cares about his health greatly, and there are many things that he took into account that make nails healthy and do not break easily. One of the most difficult things that a girl may experience is the brittleness of her nails, and she may feel a lot of stress and frustration as a result, and she may use natural recipes to no avail, and there are tips to reduce nail brittleness and treat their fragility, according to the “”healthshots“.
Tips for healthy nails:
Limit exposure to water:
Exposure to a lot of water may lead to the nails becoming brittle and breakable quickly, and for this reason a person should not over-exposure to water and soak the hands in a large way, because this can make the nails very brittle, which weakens the nails, and gloves can be worn when washing dishes in order to avoid Immerse hands in water, taking care when showering to avoid water as much as possible.
Minimize exposure to water
Increase the amount of water intake:
It is known that drinking plenty of water is necessary for the body so that it does not feel dehydrated and hydrated, and it is important for the health of the nails as well, because drinking a large amount of water makes the body hydrated and prevents the nails from breaking and brittleness and preserves them.
Drinking water
Pay attention to what you are eating:
Care must be taken and paid attention to what is eaten, and the diet must be dense and useful and have a lot of variety, and the dish that is in the meal contains all the ingredients, whether vegetables, protein, or starches in reasonable quantities, such as eating sardines, legumes, and eggs, and care must be taken to Take vitamins so that the body gets an additional beneficial dose, which affects the body and nails and makes them strong and bearable to a great extent.
cracked nails
Give nails time to breathe.
Every girl likes to put a different nail polish on her nails, but she should let her nails take a hiatus and breathe for a while, because applying nail polish for a long time weakens the skin and nails, and the nails should be left without polish for a week by removing the nail polish using an acetone-free remover and leaving the nails clean To give her a chance to breathe and recover.
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Source : اخبار الاردن