
Tips for choosing the appropriate drawings for the children’s room.. Determine the age group first

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

When the family decides to start establishing the children’s room, it first searches for the shape of the furniture and then thinks about the decorations attached to it, and this is from the point of view of the parents, or what the children themselves are looking for, are the drawings, shapes and superheroes that they love, and they seek to be next to them in their room, But how does a mother choose the right poster for her child’s wall? This is what we are reviewing, according to what was published by the site.amatterofstyle“.

Kids room design

age stage

The mother must determine the age stage in which the child lives, in order to choose the ideal poster for his age. The young child prefers to choose pictures of flowers and roses, and the sparkling sky. After that, he can choose a picture of their favorite cartoon, and then choose a suitable picture for the game he likes to play with, and then choose the player. The favorite, or the role model that he likes to be like.

Label selection

When choosing children’s wall stickers for their room, you should choose the poster more accurately, with fewer details, with neutral colors, especially if the poster is near your child’s bed, because very bright stickers can distract and disturb the child at bedtime, so it is best to be moderate when Selection of stickers.

Children's drawings
Children’s drawings

Types of wall stickers for kids

There are more stickers, including natural ones, in the form of plants, trees, flowers, and butterflies, while stickers in the form of giraffes, lions, and colorful designs are ideal for older children, and the other type is cartoons. You should know that these drawings are able to attract the child’s attention, so you should choose characters Carry the beautiful qualities that you seek to instill in your child.

kid's room
kid’s room

Avoid stereotypes

It is not necessary to stick to the stereotypes that pink is for girls and blue for boys. Instead of adhering to these conventions, listen to what the child says, likes and prefers, and it is okay to ask him.

Children's bedroom
Children’s bedroom


#Tips #choosing #drawings #childrens #room #Determine #age #group

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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