
Amazing makeup tricks to make eyes look big and sparkling

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

A girl who has wide and big eyes does not need to waste a lot of time in front of the mirror to put on a lot of makeup, in order to look beautiful, so she will not need a trick to enlarge her eyes. There are some easy tricks to highlight the shape of the eye, which enhances its beauty and makes the face shape beautiful and harmonious, and to find out the method, you can follow the following report, according to the “”makeupandbeauty“.

Winged lining

Ways to enhance the shape of the eyes:

A shiny touch can be applied to the upper eyelid, and make the eye shape take on a radiant and wonderful shape, by placing some bright shadows on the upper eyelid close to the eyelash line with a more natural look.

Covering the lower lashes:

A girl with wide eyes may not like to use mascara for the upper eyelashes. Instead, the lower eyelashes can be intensified using mascara to create an amazing balanced shape for the eyes.

White shade of freshness:

It is known that the girl who has small eyes is interested in applying the white shadow in abundance, the big and wide eyes, if the white shadow is applied, it will make the look fresh and bright with that shadow to make the lighting on the corner of the eye to give a distinctive shape.

Setting a white shadow for selection:

Large eyes may be mostly oval in shape, which means that they need some sharpness, and this can be done by defining the eyebrows using white shadow, or highlighter, under the brow bone to make the eyes prominent and visible.

Wide eyes

Wide eyes

Eyebrow cleaning:

The eye attracts attention greatly, which is why the eyebrows must be clean and in the form of an arc, and their growth must be avoided to give an elegant and good shape to the face, and a good primer must be applied that maintains good coverage and is free of any oil.

Setting suitable dark colors:

Dark eye colors can be applied in dark tones to highlight the beauty of the eye and make the eye shiny and sparkling, to make the eyes clear and defined, which gives irresistible beauty.

Winged lining work:

The owner of large eyes can make a winged liner in an elegant way suitable for the eye, by making simple lines on the side of the eye, by tightening the eye and keeping the lower eyelid empty to give an aesthetic shape.

Cover your lower lashes
Cover your lower lashes


#Amazing #makeup #tricks #eyes #big #sparkling

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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