Local News

The body of the missing boy was found as a result of the torrential rains in Zarqa

Amman Today

publish date 2023-05-30 14:34:16

The Public Security Directorate announced that specialized search teams have found the body of the missing boy as a result of the torrential rains in Zarqa Governorate.

The media spokesman for the Public Security Directorate said that the Public Security Directorate staff from the Civil Defense and the police of Zarqa Governorate, supported by the international search and rescue team, have worked since receiving the communication on the unified emergency number 911, to search and search continuously for more than 24 hours, for the missing boy in the Sukhna area in Zarqa Governorate.

And the media spokesman stated that the continuous work of the specialized teams and the great efforts that were made in the search and inspection operations enabled them to find him dead inside a torrent, especially since the area that was searched exceeds 40 kilometers.

The Public Security Directorate reaffirmed the need not to approach pools that collect rainwater due to the danger they pose to people, especially the southern, eastern and desert regions of the Kingdom, which are among the most places for collecting rainwater.


#body #missing #boy #result #torrential #rains #Zarqa

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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