Proper upbringing and adherence to authentic values enhance the values of belonging to the homeland
Amman Today
publish date 2023-05-25 09:55:40
Compass – Amman
Mufid Sarhan, Director of the Al-Afaf Charity Association, said that love of the homeland and pride in belonging to it is an instinctive instinct rooted in the human psyche, and it needs care, attention and guidance in order to remain strong in all stages of life and in all circumstances.
Sarhan explained in statements to:compassOn the occasion of the Independence Day: Proper upbringing, building a strong family, and family affiliation enhance the values of belonging to society, the country, and the nation.
On Thursday, Jordanians celebrate the Kingdom’s seventy-seventh independence anniversary.
He added, deepening belonging to the nation and instilling patriotism is a collective responsibility in which the family, school, university, media, society, and official and civil institutions participate, and it is an ongoing process.
Sarhan pointed out the importance of paying attention to national events, explaining their meanings and implications to children, and participating in the available ones.
Regarding the role of the family in promoting belonging, Sarhan said: The family has a major role in instilling the values of belonging in the hearts of children since childhood, because it is the basic building block in building society.
Belonging starts with the family
And he indicated that inculcating the concept of belonging begins with a person’s belonging to his family, preserving it, and ensuring its cohesion and effectiveness in society.
Sarhan emphasized the responsibility of the family and its commitment to raising children to adhere to and preserve religion and authentic values.
As well as adherence to good habits and avoid blind imitation of others. Pointing out the importance of parents being a good example for their children.
He said that virtuous values and morals are the title of people’s progress and advancement, and it is a responsibility that the family shares with other institutions. A good example is the best means of education.
Sarhan stressed the importance of introducing children from childhood to the achievements and championships in and in the history of the Arab and Islamic nation and the homeland and its origins and its Islamic, Arab and global role, and that we are part of the Arab and Islamic nation and it is a source of pride for all, just as we are part of the world and we must be keen to have a positive impact in all fields.
Sarhan said that patriotism is not just slogans raised or words said. Belonging is a practical and realistic concept that translates practically on the ground into behavior in conditions of adversity as well as in conditions of prosperity. It is not governed by material interest or personal benefit, but is motivated by a sense of duty and the interest of the nation and the homeland.
Responsibility of parents and educators
Sarhan said, the responsibility of parents and educators is to introduce children to heritage and cultural heritage and to ensure their adherence to religion. Introducing the roots of the family and the family because it is part of the homeland.
Sarhan said, which deepens belonging also, educating children to respect regulations and laws and abide by them in all fields, pointing out that respect for the teacher and preserving the school is an integral part of raising the generation, as well as taking care of public places and not tampering with them.
He stressed the importance of guiding children and urging them to participate in voluntary and charitable work, because it enhances belonging, makes people feel the needs of others, and makes them closer to them, more attached to society and the country, and more keen to preserve their gains.
He said, one of the manifestations that confirms love for the homeland and true belonging to the nation is the keenness on work, achievement and sincerity in work.
He added that what enhances the values of belonging is to educate children to love others, to spread intimacy and love, to avoid defamation and abuse of persons and institutions, to work with others in the spirit of one team, and to distance oneself from selfishness and self-love.
#Proper #upbringing #adherence #authentic #values #enhance #values #belonging #homeland
Jordan News
Source : اخبار الاردن