Easy tips to forget your partner’s past.. so that you can live in stability
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Certainly, every person, before he is associated with the current life partner, has gone through different emotional relationships until he finds the person with whom he feels safe and loved throughout his life, but after marriage, one of the parties may discover some things that appear to be a simple thing, for example a previous engagement that was not completed. However, the partner may see that the matter is big, because it may be difficult for him to give up the past easily, which makes marital life unstable, and there are some tips that will make the partner overlook the past, according to the “”Yourtangoo“.
Accept the partner as he is
The life partner must accept his partner as he is, no matter how different circumstances he went through in the past, because the partner you fell in love with naturally passed and met people before you, and for this the partner must be accepted without underestimating him, so that marital life can proceed calmly.
Unstable marriage
It is known that communication between spouses is key to resolving any dispute, and a partner may remain silent without speaking about any matter he does not like, which appears later in the form of angry talk, so the matter should not be dealt with with absolute silence or angry talk, but another way to communicate and discuss must be found. The matter is calm, mature and rational, and a sound solution is found.
Putting oneself in the place of the other party
Each party must put himself in the place of his partner, think from his point of view, and know what he would have done if he were in his place, and went through the different circumstances, which helps to form an honest picture of your partner and feelings at the same time to come out impartially.
There are many things that must be taken into consideration when thinking about accepting a life partner and accepting the past, because life is shared between the two parties, and the two parties must accept the other with a broad heart and in a mature manner, without leaving anything they did not talk about so that it does not appear over time and differences occur, which may affect the relationship. later married life.
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Source : اخبار الاردن