5 tips to help you deal with and overcome embarrassing situations
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
People may go through some embarrassing situations that make their life difficult, and it may be difficult to avoid those situations, especially when some people want others to see them as socially skilled, and the embarrassment comes from not knowing the good way of how to deal then. Some go through the embarrassing situation with all intelligence, while others feel resentment and their inability to overcome the situation easily, and there are some tips that enable a person to overcome any embarrassing situation easily, according to the “”socialself“.
Embarrassing situations
Overcoming feelings of embarrassment:
Certainly for anyone, if something goes wrong, one feels embarrassed and uncomfortable at that time, and that is why at that point the matter must be resolved by apology and compensation, and the matter must be made simple, because excessive apologies may make it more difficult with recognizing the person’s feelings and recognizing remorse.
embarrassing situation
Trying to see the funny side:
A situation may happen against our will, but the best way to overcome embarrassment is to see the funny side, because seeing the funny side makes a person feel a lot better, which makes it a good quality for the person.
Others don’t notice you.
An embarrassing thing may happen like a person stumbles while walking in front of people, which gives a feeling that the whole world has seen it, and this matter is considered a phenomenon called the light spot effect, and the person may think that people notice him with all his behavior, and the person must remind himself that no one will remember this matter tomorrow, so he Need to be hard on yourself.
Accept the risk of embarrassment:
Certainly, learning a new thing is accompanied by the risk of making a mistake, for those who want to improve the social skill, to see it as part of the method of learning that skill, and it can be overcome without fear of falling into it.
Not taking all responsibility:
Social situations are a shared responsibility. Those who have experienced some embarrassment should not blame themselves for that, and the self must be reminded that the matter cannot be controlled, and that is why the person must forgive himself for that.

Embarrassing girl
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Source : اخبار الاردن