“Education” clarifies the classification of ninth grade students
Amman Today
publish date 2023-05-18 10:52:10
The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Education for Financial and Administrative Affairs, Dr. Najwa Qubeilat, clarified about the classifications of ninth grade students before the implementation of the new professional path for high school students and converting it to three years instead of two.
Qubeilat said, during her interview with Public Security Radio, that the ninth grade students who choose the academic track will apply to the tenth grade as a matter of course, and they will study the same academic subjects as the tenth grade, and what will differ only is the number of daily classes.
According to Qubeilat, the Minister of Education, Azmi Mohafaza, is expected to announce the details of that next week, as the eleventh and twelfth grades of the academic track will be divided into fields, such as health, Sharia, human education, and others, but the student in these tracks will study compulsory subjects in his specialization and electives as well. They are often from the same field, and the details of the fields will be announced after being approved by the Education Council.
As for the vocational education track, the available majors will be hotel, hospitality, agricultural and beautification, and the engineering program with its branches and information technology. Tenth grade students will undergo 480 training hours, in addition to the regular cultural subjects such as Islamic education and the Arabic language.
She indicated that the Ministry distributed leaflets to students containing details of professional specializations, training hours, and topics that students will study, and the Ministry also included this content on its official website.
#Education #clarifies #classification #ninth #grade #students
Jordan News
Source : اخبار الاردن