Natural recipes to clean hair in simple steps.. to prevent dandruff
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Women are keen to take care of their hair, by paying attention to cleaning it well, and it can be washed with natural ingredients that help to strengthen it over time.theartofsimple“.
Natural recipes for cleaning hair
Lemon juice recipe for hair cleaning
Lemon juice contains a high pH, as it restores the natural hair balance, promotes scalp health, treats dandruff and makes hair thick and shiny, and lemon juice is suitable for oily hair, so it can be used to wash hair by preparing lemon juice in a cup of warm water and put the mixture on the scalp with a massage for some time, then wash the hair with water.
Natural ways to wash hair
Aloe vera gel recipe for hair cleaning
Aloe vera gel is another natural alternative to shampoo as it is known for its moisturizing, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and helps prevent dandruff. That is why it is recommended to apply aloe vera gel on the scalp, massage for a few minutes and then wash the hair with lukewarm water.

Natural recipes for washing hair
Coconut milk hair cleanser recipe
Coconut milk is a great moisturizer for the hair. It also helps to wash it and leaves it clean. Studies have shown that it has cleansing properties that help it get rid of all the oils and dirt accumulated on the scalp. This is done by massaging the scalp with coconut milk and waiting for an hour, then washing it.

Hair cleaning
Baking soda hair cleaning recipe
It is recommended to prepare a tablespoon of baking soda in one cup of water, and women with curly or thick hair may need more baking soda when washing their hair, while women with thin or fine hair need small amounts of baking soda, then put the mixture on the hair with a massage to wash head and then rinse it with water.
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Source : اخبار الاردن