
If you don’t know how to focus… Problems that high school students face while studying and how to treat them

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

High school students face several basic problems during the preparation period for exams, and therefore the student must be aware of his problems, identify them, and treat them. Therefore, “The Seventh Day” reviews, during the following lines, tips to overcome the most important problems facing students, according to what Shaima Iraqi, a consultant for family relations and behavior modification, indicated.

high school problems

Tips to overcome the most important problems facing students:

Depletion of energy, lethargy, laziness, and loss of passion are among the most important problems that students face after an academic year in which a great effort has been made, as the student feels unwilling to study and feels lethargic, physical, muscular, and also mental exhaustion from the frequent reception of information and long hours of study. Therefore, the division of rest times helps reduce the feeling With muscular and mental fatigue and a change of place, just as studying outdoors helps to renew the body’s energy.

Loss of self-control and a feeling of fear and anxiety in a way that affects comprehension and makes the student fearful of entering the exam. With the increase in tension, the student feels anxious, so relaxation exercises and breathing exercises help reduce fear, anxiety and tension, and it is recommended to practice on them.

Organizing time and the inability to organize and manage time randomly is also one of the problems that students face while studying. Therefore, a schedule for studying, lesson times, and rest times must be established, and those times must be divided appropriately with the size of the tasks required of the student during the day.

Too much sleep is one of the problems that students face, so that the student finds himself spending long hours sleeping without awareness, and the body gives negative signals as a result of feeling the size of the responsibility, so the student withdraws from the huge amount of studying to sleep, and to get rid of this problem, it is preferable to study the lessons in a well-ventilated room and set an alarm for sleep Especially if you feel sleepy.

Training in solving previous exam models and repeating mistakes confuses the student and makes him feel unable to solve the exam. Therefore, it requires solving previous exams to measure the student’s performance, identify weaknesses and strengthen them, and what needs to be reviewed, and develop alternatives to access information quickly, recall the answers, and repeat the practice of solving previous exams.

Loss of appetite and reluctance to eat, and eating small amounts of food as some students suffer from loss of appetite, and therefore some steps must be taken that help students eat balanced food to meet their needs and commensurate with their great effort in studying, and food can be presented in an attractive way and fruits and juices are included, Make some light healthy sandwiches during the study period, and include food items with a high caloric value.

Overcoming high school problems
Overcoming high school problems
Tips to overcome high school problems
Tips to overcome high school problems


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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