How do you get rid of the chaos of your home when you are exhausted? 7 magic tricks
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
It is natural that we arrange and organize the house or even our room every day, and there is no doubt that there may come a day when we will not be able to do anything because of fatigue and physical exhaustion, but there is more chaos, and we do not have much time and we do not know how and where to start, If you are exposed to this situation, “The Seventh Day” reviews some tips on how to get rid of chaos when you feel tired easily and quickly, according to what was published by the “Seventh Day” website.balancethrough simplicity“.
feeling tired
Keep it simple and set a time for each task to finish
When you feel exhausted and you have many tasks that must be carried out to get rid of the clutter around you, you must first be simple in choosing priorities to clean and arrange everything around you, for example, you can ignore a room that is not used, and choose the basic rooms and places where there are a lot of living room or kitchen and bathroom You can also set a time to complete each task so that you can get everything done in record time.
Create a specific plan
You have to determine what you should do instead of diving directly into removing chaos and rushing in the process, and this is what causes increased stress and psychological fatigue, and an increased feeling of stress. As for arranging your priorities and choosing what to get rid of first, it gives you a feeling of comfort, especially when you cross out everything finished item.
Prepare in advance
Planning and preparing in advance for cleaning and arranging, practically and for your mentality and getting rid of any stress, will help facilitate the process of getting rid of clutter, and will also help you overcome the fatigue that dominates us after hard work.
Start small
You have to think carefully about the things that cause chaos and get rid of anything that needs a little effort first and then the things that need time and effort. The start can be small but effective.

Start in an easy place
If you get overwhelmed, you may want to start in a less cluttered place. It should be easy and quick to declutter and where you can see and feel the results. The bathroom is a great place to start decluttering as it is likely to be small, with a limited amount of stuff and no Items that are difficult to get rid of.
Start where it will make a difference
If you have young children, toys are likely to cause you clutter and stress and take up your time, space, and energy. If you love to cook, it might be your kitchen and pantry so you can find pots, pans, and ingredients more easily. Manage things or areas in your home where Clutter is the biggest problem, this way you will feel the benefits of organizing your home faster.
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Source : اخبار الاردن