
Service and Washa: “I am a high school student and I am terrified of failure.”

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

“I am a general secondary literary student, and I have severe anxiety about the future. Every day I pray to God that I enroll in a specific college, but currently studying is very difficult and it is impossible for anyone to succeed because we are studying things for the first time that we know, and therefore it is possible to fail like the rest of the students in my batch, but I pray to God that I succeed this year and enter The Faculty of Politics and Economics, and one day my grandmother passed away, and when I asked her if I would succeed, she used to tell me that I would succeed, but after her death, I feel that I will fail this year because the study is very difficult and measures high levels of thinking, and I am an ordinary person who is not smart enough.

And one day I went to sleep, my grandmother visited me in a dream, I saw her sitting in a room, I entered her and said, since you, my grandmother, are now in the hands of God, meaning that you are in the abode of truth, will I succeed, my grandmother? My group told me that I would get 350 degrees, which is an average of 84% or 83%, so I felt happy that I would pass, and at the same time I felt sad that I would not enter the Faculty of Politics and Economics.

At that time, I felt that she had become a ghost or a demon, and her mouth became long, and she repeated the word 350 degrees. I felt fear, and suddenly I woke up from my sleep. Since then, I do not know whether this is a sign from God that I will succeed and enter this college really, or will I fail, or is Satan embodied in the image of my grandmother and told me this thing in order to deceive me ?


Dear reader, we thank you for your trust in us and for sharing your fears and concerns with us. Your letter brought me back years ago when I was living with the same fear while dreaming of joining the College of Mass Communication and feeling terrified that my dream would not come true, as if this dream was the end of the world. Failure is painful and frightening, especially for those who are accustomed to excelling themselves, and those around them are accustomed to achieving the best results. I completely understand the fear you feel, but this way you are not chasing your dream, you are chasing failure!

Constant thinking that it is impossible for anyone to succeed, that studying is too hard, and that the chances of failing are high will never lead you to reach your dream of success. Because all your mind is focusing on is the negative outcome it sees as inevitable, which is “failing,” while all you need to focus on right now is doing your part: preparing for exams and studying hard. Focus on what is in your hands, which is good preparation, studying and training to answer exam questions, and constantly motivating yourself to comprehend, learn, and solve previous questions and experimental tests.

What you are doing now is that you are focusing on what is not in your hands which is the result and how difficult the exam is. These are things you can never control. It is also important that you look for a source of support, and your subconscious mind did that when your grandmother visited you in a dream with a message in which your hope and ambition struggle with your fear, as she sometimes promises you success, and at the same time your group that promises you will not achieve your dream. You need to look for a real source of support that indicates your strengths in studying and how to strengthen your weaknesses, reassures you about your real level, and assures you that it is okay if your dream of joining the college you want is not fulfilled. You can always achieve your dream through another college or free studies.

In your letter, you asked about an interpretation of the dream, which turned into a nightmare at the end. I am not good at interpreting dreams, but I see it as a psychological dream par excellence. I think that your fear is this devil who mocks you at the end of the dream and spreads terror in your heart. All you need to do to burn this demon out of your mind is ignore it completely and focus on believing in yourself and doing the best you can. And make sure that nothing will stand between you and what is destined for you, even if the path to it differs slightly.

Dr. Reham Ahmed Abdel-Rahman, a consultant in psychological and educational counseling at Cairo University, says that what you are exposed to is a spiral of negative thinking and doubt in your own abilities to succeed and achieve the goal. If you don’t face these negative thoughts.

And she continues: I advise you, dear, to rely on God while striving diligently in acquiring knowledge. You may think that a particular college is the reason for your happiness in the future, but you may be surprised when entering it that it does not correspond to your intellectual and psychological inclinations, and therefore I advise you only to strive and know that the future is in the hands of God Almighty and to fight these negative thoughts. You must first know the direct cause of these negative thoughts resulting from your doubts about your own abilities, your exposure to constant pressure, whether by the death of your grandmother or your practice of negative thinking and dramatization of events and situations, also your exposure to constant criticism by others, and fear of curricula and questions that exceed the capabilities of the student, as you all put it. Direct reasons to make you live in this state of stress, anxiety and fear of the future.

Self-doubt is the inner voice that doubts your abilities, frustrates you, and anticipates failure, so that you have false mental convictions about your ability to succeed.

Therefore, you have to live in the present moment and avoid ruminating about the past and fearing the future. Also, make sure to practice positive affirmations such as: “My success is only in God”, “I trust myself and my abilities”, of course, while taking the reasons and striving towards excellence and success.

When you have these negative thoughts, make sure to get closer to God Almighty and spend some time with positive and supportive people. Also, practice imagination and visualization of everything you desire, as positive thinking generates your motivation for work and achievement. I also advise you to stay away from psychological pressure and constant anxiety about the future, as this is what made your subconscious mind affected by these thoughts, and you began to have disturbing dreams.

Finally, I advise you to be diligent, persevere, and choose the college that matches your values, inclinations, and labor market requirements, in order to achieve success and distinction.

Page and shawsha April 28

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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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