Drug crimes in Jordan for the year 2022 (infographic)
Amman Today
publish date 2023-04-28 08:50:34
The number of drug crimes discovered in Jordan in the past year 2022 decreased to 18,334, compared to 19,122 in 2021, according to the Criminal Information Department of the Public Security Directorate.
According to the Directorate, the rate of decline reached 4.12%, while 20,055 drug crimes between drug trafficking and abuse were recorded in the year 2020, which is the “Supreme” during the past six years, and 19,500 crimes in 2019, and 18,400 crimes in 2018, in addition to 13,950 crimes in 2017. .
The crimes of possession and use of narcotic substances accounted for 71.12% of the total percentage of drug crimes, compared to 28.88% of drug trafficking crimes.
The administration recorded 5,295 drug trafficking crimes last year, compared to 13,039 crimes of possession and abuse of narcotic substances, compared to 4,858 crimes of trafficking and 14,264 crimes of possession and abuse of drugs in 2021, which shows “an increase in trafficking crimes by 9%” and “a decrease in possession crimes.” And the use of narcotic substances increased by 8.59%” between the past two years.
The rate of drug crimes in Jordan was 16 per 10,000 people last year, compared to 17 per 10,000 people in 2021 and 19 in 2020.
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Jordan News
Source : اخبار الاردن