When will all the “masks” that distort our society be removed?
Amman Today
publish date 2023-04-26 10:51:50
Amman – the compass
Educational expert Bushra Arabiyat shed light in her series of talks with “compassOn a number of societal and educational issues around what she described as “masks” that have come to cover many of our daily transactions and dealings in various sectors and give them very negative negative effects in their impact on all of us because of the bad morals that they leave behind in terms of hypocrisy, lies, fraud and multiplicity of faces, in a bitter reality. We all have to strive to change and improve it for the better.
Arabiyat said: There are many observations that invade and spread in society, which confirm the use of masks in transactions and dealings, which have become exposed to many people, but the question remains: Until when? How can these masks be removed?
And she added, “Let’s start with the face mask that was said about the person in the past, “two-faced.” Now, people miss the two-face, and the reason is that there are those who have multiple faces, depending on the situation, place, and time, and that is why I once said this phrase: There are many faces and the person is one! .
And she pointed out, “I have found that this image that expresses this saying, not only because it corresponds to what I wrote, but because it simulates the bitter reality, for example, you find someone smiling in your face while their hearts are full of hatred and envy, and the mask of kinship has become one day.” One of the days of the year is exposed, just as there are some men or women leading the councils, and they or they are, in fact, the head of sedition in society and between brothers!
Arabiyat added that there are those who wear the mask of fraud and deceit when selling a particular property, so you see the diligent maintenance and interest in the building when you want to buy, but you do not know that they periodically hide the building defects, and that they wear the mask of fraud, and often you discover this too late! And here I say, “There are many buildings, and the exit is corrupt.” Do you think that if a decision was issued to oblige the owner to guarantee at least five years, would this fraud remain? I don’t think!, as she put it.
She added, however, by saying: “Even the Eid cakes were not spared from the soft sugar mask on the face, just to beautify the scene! Inside is a spoiled product!”
masks in various platforms
She expressed her regret that masks spread in many educational, media and religious platforms – unfortunately – to find many numbers of them, and they contain the wheat and the wheat without observing the fundamentals of religion in many cases, so that the result is that they do not have a positive effect on the ground! Therefore, I say, “The pens are many, and the news is one”!
Arabiyat said: Because I specialize in educational affairs, I see that there are many schools and educational outputs. Witness! The educational means have multiplied, and education is rigid! Curricula have multiplied and education is still between missing and missing!
And she added, “Therefore, I want to say that what counts is not the large number of schools and universities if there is no interest in the educational process, and if there is no interest in education before education, starting with the family, passing through the school, and ending with the universities, as the biggest concern for parents has become that the children speak a foreign language or More, as well as schools, and certainly wasting the Arabic language, without paying attention to the principles of education that made generations until they reached us!
She explained by saying: “If we wanted to make a comparison between the educational means currently available and what existed previously, we would find that there is a real leap, but unfortunately it is not being exploited in practice, as most private schools are satisfied with showing videos of scientific experiments without application, and thus education has become rigid, as A student cannot absorb a specific idea in physics or chemistry without seeing the experiment on the ground, but schools are working to save expenses at the expense of students, and at the expense of the educational process!!
Arabiyat added: “As for the curricula that are being attempted to be developed, most of which have been translated, copied and pasted from foreign books, without taking into account what is appropriate for our students. And lost! Therefore, the masks that were placed on the educational process must be removed, whether in schools, curricula, or the method of education used at home and school. These masks, which will necessarily work on educational outcomes that do not rise to the level of ambition!
She pointed out, “This is a group of masks that have distorted society and souls, and we must all do our best to remove them and sort out the ugly ones, because we do not need more of them!”
Arabiyat concluded her speech with these verses of poetry by Abu Al-Atahiya, in which he says:
Sorting souls is like sorting rocks..
It contains the precious and the stone
And some sleep like some trees..
Beautiful body, scarce fruit
Some promises are like some clouds.
Strong thunder, scarce rain
And how many blind people see the heart..
And how many blind hearts
How many captives with a free heart…
And how many free koah boredom
How many meteors are in the sky?
In the blink of an eye, you see it gone
And every luminous face revolves..
In the darkness of a night called the moon
The best of words are few letters.
Many harvests have a significant impact
#masks #distort #society #removed
Jordan News
Source : اخبار الاردن