
“Noura” excels in designing posters for series and films, some of which are under guardianship

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Movie and theater posters always leave their distinctive mark on the streets, so that in many old photos, you can determine the time period or date of the image by examining the movie posters that appear on the streets. Which made Nora Al-Masoudi, 28, trying to simulate the same propaganda method for old films and series by drawing posters of their own in a sophisticated way that makes you feel that you have returned to the beautiful time, especially designing an poster for a series under guardianship, which won the admiration of many of her followers on her page on the social networking site Facebook.

under guardianship

Noura is creative in designing posters for the series Under Guardianship

Noura said in her interview with “The Seventh Day” that she graduated from the College of Business Administration in 2016, and because this study was not her first passion, she started looking for her hobby that she always loved and gave her a lot of time, which is drawing, and she continued that her love for drawing and arts in general was her window to reach What she loves, which prompted her to study graphics and even become a professional in it until she reached a diploma in designs.


And she continued that she uses several methods to draw these posters and design them, including manual or digital art, and is also concerned with the details and personalities of the work, provided that each one of them is prominent, and the way it is drawn expresses the goal and content of the artwork, and she added: “From time to time, I do a workshop to teach drawing on pots.” Planting and other than painting, I love embroidery and share it and implement designs, whether on clothes or wood frames.

Movie posters
Movie posters

She added that after the study, she felt that art takes a lot of her thinking and interests, which made her work in it in a more professional manner. So far, 6 years have passed in this field, and about designing the Avish series under guardianship, she said that her follow-up to artworks, especially those that have a meaningful story and discuss an interesting issue. Some made her interested in following it, and from it she was inspired by the idea of ​​​​the poster, especially after seeing the performance of the stars of the series, starting with Mona Zaki, Muhammad Diab, Rushdi Al-Shami and others, and she added that art is considered a gateway to the mind because of its setting of points of light that sheds light on many problems in order for us to solve them, and stressed that purposeful art must Support and highlight it because it will live a lifetime.

Abraham White
Abraham White


#Noura #excels #designing #posters #series #films #guardianship

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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