5 gemstones, place them next to your children while studying to increase concentration
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
There are some children, with the exam season approaching immediately after Eid Al-Fitr, who lose their ability to concentrate and collect information, or retrieve it when needed in exams and revisions, for several different reasons, including lack of sleep, lack of vitamins, or distraction and lack of focus resulting from anxiety, Despite this, gems may help solve this problem, so the seventh day reviews some gems that children can use during exams to increase their concentration and get rid of distraction, according to the website bulletin.villagerockshop“.
Hematite stone
Hematite is the stone closest to the mind. It is a stone used by individuals who suffer from distraction and lack of focus. It also helps to organize thoughts, which facilitates the process of studying, memorizing information, and retrieving it when needed.
Hematite stone
Sodalite is a gemstone used to strengthen the ability to focus, as it relieves tension and confusion, and gives alert signs to the mind that direct it to everything that is important and useful, in addition to that it works to calm mental disorders and helps to save as much information as possible.

Carnelian stone
This stone is called the stone of learning, because it helps focus and academic achievement, and it increases the capacity of memory in absorption, because it helps blood flow, especially for those who work on the activity of the mind, and solve cognitive issues, and it is also when used in a quiet atmosphere Helps to stimulate memory and stimulate the mind.

Carnelian stone
It is called the stone of clarity, and this stone works to sharpen the mind, which helps it to make quick decisions, without looking or focusing on tension and nervous and mental pressure, and it also brings wisdom and enhances memory, concentration and intellect, and it also helps to achieve balance between the right and left side of the brain.

Pyrite stone
Pyrite stone helps in improving memory, relieves physical and mental fatigue, helps to retrieve information easily, and provides you with many ideas and methods that help absorb as much information as possible.

Pyrite stone
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Source : اخبار الاردن