
Jaafar Al-Omda.. Don’t be like Dalal, and learn how to get rid of the desire for revenge

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

In the Jaafar Al-Omda series, which will be broadcast during the Ramadan 2023 season, many issues were addressed and many human feelings and consequent actions were discussed, the most prominent of which was the hatred and jealousy that made Dalal “Eman Al-Assi” an evil character par excellence despite her pretending to be the opposite. During the events, the series revealed the bad fate that such a character eventually reaches, even before revealing her secret with remorse, fear, and constant anxiety over the exposure of her crimes.

And because revenge and hatred are human feelings that can afflict anyone, the seventh day reviews, in the following lines, some tips that help you get rid of the feeling of revenge, according to what was indicated by Shaima Iraqi, a consultant for family relations and behavior modification.

Dalal, wife of Jaafar al-Omda, is a vengeful figure

The family consultant told Al-Youm Al-Sabea: “Some people have feelings of hatred towards other people around them, and these feelings are embodied in the form of revenge at the time of rivalry and internal anger towards certain situations that he was subjected to from injustice in his life, or feelings of jealousy and revenge may stem from within the person himself, so We can review some tips to get rid of feelings of jealousy and revenge.

Tips to get rid of feelings of jealousy and revenge

– Do not accumulate pent-up feelings or pressure inside you because of not taking your rights in a timely manner, so you should speak and confront directly the stressful situations that you are exposed to.

Emptying emotions and not suppressing them gradually is a necessity, as suppression generates revenge and feelings of jealousy prepare the soul to harm others and take revenge on them easily, so you must empty your emotions continuously in the face of stressful situations

Keeping away from any atmosphere that is not suitable for your personality, as early withdrawal helps you to isolate yourself away from any psychological conflicts in the vicinity of your work circle or harmful relationships in your life.

– You have to be patient with the harm and not take positions in response to the harm and damage inflicted on you, with self-restraint in the face of your provocation from others.

Do not resort to any surrounding people who may plant the fuse of revenge, as you may have confidence in them, but they may cause you harm and escalate the crisis.

Seeking help from some wise parties helps you restore your rights and calm the atmosphere with people who may have harmed you

Dalal, wife of Jaafar al-Omda
Dalal, wife of Jaafar al-Omda
Jaafar Al-Omda series
Jaafar Al-Omda series


#Jaafar #AlOmda #Dont #Dalal #learn #rid #desire #revenge

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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