
Important tips to protect your skin from dehydration during the day in Ramadan

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

Moisturizing the skin is one of the most important steps in daily skin care, especially during the fasting period. Therefore, the seventh day reviews the best ways to take care of the skin and get rid of dryness during the month of Ramadan, according to Tony Imad, an expert in hair and skin care.

Fight dry skin

Drinking water:

It is preferable to drink appropriate amounts of water during the remaining time before Suhoor, taking into account the intake of fresh juices and avoiding the consumption of carbonated water.


Eating vegetables is one of the most important factors that make the skin glow and give it protection and freshness. Also, vegetables succeed in fighting aging, and it is preferable to stay away from eating vegetables that cause thirst.


Eating healthy, fat-free foods is one of the best steps in ways to preserve the skin. It is also preferable not to eat salt or pickles during this period, so as not to cause dryness in the skin.

Skin hydration:

It is preferable that the skin be moisturized with creams that are suitable for the nature of your skin, and avoid creams that cause skin irritation.

Don’t peel:

It is preferable to stay away from frequent peeling during periods of fasting so as not to cause redness of the skin that leads to itching and peeling of the skin

Sun cream:

Apply sunscreen during the day, and it is preferable to renew it every two hours, even if you are sitting at home

Moisturizing the skin
Moisturizing the skin
Skin care in Ramadan
Skin care in Ramadan


#Important #tips #protect #skin #dehydration #day #Ramadan

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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