A body language expert on the performance of the stars of the Ramadan 2023 series: They outdid themselves
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
We followed a large number of Ramadan series, and we noticed that there are a number of stars who excelled in performing their roles with a force that makes you live a reality and not a dramatic act, so the seventh day communicated with Tamer Shalaby, a body language expert, to analyze the performance of some stars and how they mastered the role, so the star Mohamed Ramadan in the Jaafar series was in the lead. The mayor and the star, Yasser Jalal, in the series “A Legitimate Relationship”.
Muhammad Ramadan in the character of Jaafar the mayor
Tamer Shalaby, a body language expert, praised the body language of the star, Mohamed Ramadan, in his series, Jaafar Al-Amdah. The star succeeded in making the audience impersonate him and live in a state of truth because of the connotations of his body language, all of which are true, because he was keen to use a face more and with movements expressing the situation, if he laughed hard, his body language really speaks of laughter.
Actress Hala Sedky in Jaafar El-Omda

Hala Sidqi in Jaafar Al-Omda
And he continued, “The artist’s body language, Hala Sidqi, exceeded expectations. She skillfully controlled her body language and moved from banter to harsh criticism brilliantly in a few seconds, so I was able to capture the audience’s attention strongly.”
Artist Yasser Jalal in a legitimate relationship

Yasser Jalal is a legitimate relationship
On the authority of the star, Yasser Jalal, in the series “A legitimate relationship”, the body language expert said that this year he excelled over himself, so he was keen to issue different, new and unconventional signals that would make him able to play the role without fear, but he succeeded in living in the role in a strong way that achieved a balance in the personality. Between the ideal husband who loves his wife, and the man who deceives his wife and hides his marriage from her best friend, he moves smartly between the two roles.
Yousra El Lozy in the beautiful series

Yusra Louzy
As for the actress, Yousra El-Lozy, a body language expert said about her that she was dazzled by her body language and her strong embodiment of her role, so she used to play the roles of a good girl and the audience got used to that, unlike the beautiful series, which excelled and mastered the role strongly in embodying the evil character that has no principle in life..
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Source : اخبار الاردن