
Jaafar Al-Omda.. Psychological advice to deal with the pain of losing a son

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

“19 years old, I say Hunt, and there is nothing to be underestimated..and your son is not beside you. You feel prickly, as if you are an old man without a crutch.” This is how the artist, Muhammad Ramadan, expressed in the series Jaafar Al-Omda about his pain for the loss of his son who was kidnapped and does not know whether he is alive or not, and there is no sadness Greater than the loss of a son, which is tantamount to losing a part of themselves, and that momentous event causes great sadness, especially if it was sudden, as it seems as if the ropes that bind us to each other are suddenly and violently severed, so the seventh day reviews during the following lines some tips Which may relieve that pain, according to Dr. Mohamed Mostafa, a consultant psychologist.

loss of a son

Avoid feelings of guilt

In many cases, parents struggle with many unrealistic ideas, such as the belief that he could have prevented the matter from happening, as a result of the irrational belief that parents can always protect their children. Or after going through those moments when you feel guilty about things said or left unsaid, perhaps you fear that this is punishment for some imagined sin in your past, you may even feel guilty about your sadness, wondering if your sadness is too intense or not strong enough, Which makes you enter into a vicious circle of sadness and psychological pain.

Take the time to grieve

Sadness is not just an emotion. Sadness can make you feel physically unwell, making it difficult to concentrate or remember. You may become withdrawn and lethargic. or to restrict the order; You find yourself in constant activity trying to fill in the blanks and avoid the pain. It is essential to realize that there is no fixed time period for grieving a loss, your loss is unique to you, and it is necessary to complete the grieving because incomplete, or not properly closed, grieving may lead to a pathological condition that interferes with moving on with your life in a healthy way, or it destroys you. assumptions about what the world should be like, this may lead you to question your beliefs as you try to find answers to unanswerable questions.

Create a support system

Since grieving is such a complex process, you need to bring together friends and relatives who care about you and who truly understand you, and what you’ve been through; Those who will be there for you when you need them, who listen, support and encourage you.

Allow yourself to heal

This is probably one of the hardest things you have to do, because the state of grief will not be the legacy of the deceased child, if the parents take time to realize what age the child will be now and imagine what it will be like, then it becomes a problem if the parents have such an idealized image of the child that siblings cannot The living hope to match her. So you have to be able to transcend this by choosing life

Muhammad Ramadan fails to find his son in Jaafar Al-Omda
Muhammad Ramadan fails to find his son in Jaafar Al-Omda


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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