Breakfast of the tenth day.. How to make grilled kofta and mombar in easy steps
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Kofta and mumbar are among the dishes that can be prepared during the wedding feasts on the tenth day of Ramadan. Therefore, “Youm Seven” reviews, in the following lines, how to make mumbar and grilled kofta with easy ingredients, according to the method of Chef Mai Siam.
The modus operandi of the mumbar
How does the mumbar work: Ingredients:
kilo mmbar.
2Egyptian rice cup.
A kilo of cubed tomatoes.
2 Onion cut into small pieces.
A bunch each of dill, cilantro and parsley.
black pepper.
Half a cup of oil.
How to prepare mombar:
Mix rice with salt, black pepper and oil.
Then add onions, tomatoes and vegetables and stir well.
Then he stuffs the fingers of the mumbar, taking into account not to fill the finger at the end, and it must be padded after stuffing.
After stuffing all the mumbar.
Prepare a pot on a fire, then put a little water in it and leave it until it boils.
Then put in the water a clove of cardamom and Laura leaf.
Then wait, after boiling, put the mambar one finger at a time and leave until it boils again.
Then he guides the fire very hard, and leaves an hour to a quarter.
Then remove from the water and leave until clear.
Fry in oil until it takes a golden color and serve.
How to make grilled kofta:
Half a kilo of minced meat, and it should contain 20 percent fat%.
Grilled kofta mix bag.
2a spoonful of starch.
One tablespoon baking powder.
How to prepare the grilled kofta:
Place the meat with the mixture and the grated onion.
Then add the starch and baking powder and knead very well until you feel strings in the meat.
Then put it in the refrigerator until it takes a quarter of an hour.
Then dye it and put it in the oven until it changes color and turns red.
Then prepare a piece of charcoal, heat it up, and place it in the heart of the tray to take in a flavor.

The way the kofta works
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Source : اخبار الاردن