Natural recipes for hair coloring at home.. Do you want red or orange?
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
Women feel inconvenienced when seeing some gray tufts on their heads, but they may be too lazy to go to the beauty salon, so they prefer to follow natural ingredients to color the gray tufts and apply them at home.parenting. firstcry“.
Natural recipes for hair coloring
A recipe for burgundy hair
You must prepare beetroot roots and natural oil “according to the preferred type”, then mix the mixture and apply it on the hair, wrap the head with a plastic cap and leave it for an hour, then wash the hair with water and apply this recipe once a month, to get a positive result that makes women get an elegant and attractive look that makes them You feel more self-confident.
Recipes for hair coloring at home
Recipe for an orange color
Carrots should be prepared with natural oil “according to the preferred type”, then mix carrot juice with coconut oil or any other oil you prefer, apply the mixture to the hair, cover the head with a shower cap, then wash the hair after an hour, to get a positive result.
Natural recipes for hair coloring at home
Recipe for brown hair
Brown hair is considered one of the classic colors preferred by many women, and this color can be obtained by preparing a tablespoon of coffee with a cup of water, then the coffee must be mixed in the water and left until it boils and reduces to a third of the original quantity, and when it cools, it is placed on the hair and left for 5 minutes Then wash the hair with shampoo as usual and rinse it for the last time, repeating the recipe once or twice a week, to get a positive result, which is the brown locks of hair.
Hair Coloring
Cinnamon recipe for red hair
And to get red hair, you must prepare half a cup of ground cinnamon with half a cup of conditioner, prepare a bowl and mix the cinnamon powder and conditioner, put the mixture on the entire hair, leave it for an hour, then wash the hair with lukewarm water, and repeat the recipe every 15 days.
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Source : اخبار الاردن