
Simple ways to moisturize your hands.. to get smooth skin like silk

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

The housewife has her hands throughout the day busy in the housework of cleaning and preparing food, which makes her schedule not devoid of hard work and she does not find time for herself, and of course her hands are tired and dry from the work she has done or from the cold weather, which makes the skin dry and rough, and for this You must take care of it to make it soft, and there are some home recipes that can be done without an expensive cost, and without many ingredients, it may be one or two ingredients for those who do not find time for that, and to know these recipes, you can follow the following report, according to the site “stylecraze“.

How do you make your hands softer?

Use Vaseline

Vaseline contains powerful moisturizing properties for the skin of the body, and Vaseline can be applied to the hands on a regular basis to make them surprisingly smoother and softer.


Vaseline (quantity as needed).

Two cotton gloves.

Moisturizing hands

How to use

A thin layer of Vaseline is placed on the hands before going to bed.

And then put on two light cotton gloves and go to sleep.

This must be done every day for an effective result.


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can help improve skin moisture with an increase in the level of lipids on the surface of the skin, which means that coconut oil is able to make the skin smoother.


1-2 teaspoons of premium coconut oil.

A pair of light cotton gloves.

How to use

Coconut oil is applied to the hands.

After that, two pairs of light gloves are worn to help the hand absorb the oil.

Leave the oil on the hand all night, or after a few hours, as desired.

This step can be done once or twice a day.

Another image
Another image


Oatmeal is known to improve and moisturize the skin, while helping to soften the skin, making hands softer with each use.


1 tablespoon of oatmeal.

Half a tablespoon of coconut oil.

How to use

Add half a tablespoon of coconut oil to a tablespoon of oatmeal.

The mixture is mixed well and applied to the hands.

It is left on the hands from 10 to 25 minutes, then rinsed with water. It is done once a day.

Oatmeal moisturizers can be used for extra softness of the hands.


#Simple #ways #moisturize #hands #smooth #skin #silk

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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