4 ways to help you get chapped-free lips
Amman Today
publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00
During the month of Ramadan, some may experience cracks in the lips due to lack of fluid intake, and this may cause dry skin, so “The Seventh Day” reviews, during the following lines, the best tips for lip care in Ramadan to prevent cracks from occurring, according to what Raja Magdy, a care expert, indicated. skin.
Lip peeling
Important tips to moisturize the lips in Ramadan:
Lip peeling:
It is better to do a lip scrub, preferably from natural ingredients, so mix a spoonful of olive oil and coffee, mix them, then put them on the lips for 5 minutes, then massage in circular motions, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Moisturizing the lips:
Moisturize the lips while moisturizing the skin, so moisturize them twice a day with a lip balm made of natural materials, preferably coconut, you can also make a moisturizer in your home from honey and yogurt, put a little honey and yogurt on the lips, then rinse it, and apply your moisturizer the favorite.
Water intake:
Consuming water is one of the important basics in ways to take care of the skin, so it is indispensable, so make sure to drink plenty of water during the period between breakfast and suhoor, and avoid consuming soft drinks.
Avoid wearing lipstick:
Avoid applying lipstick of unknown origin, and it is preferable before applying lipstick that you have completed all the previous stages. When choosing lipstick, make sure that all its ingredients are natural and do not harm the skin.
Important tips to moisturize the lips in Ramadan
Lip care in Ramadan
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Source : اخبار الاردن